Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Maths Place Value

We are learning to...

Recognise how many tens and hundreds are in numbers.

Here is my work

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Maui Legends

As part of Matariki we re-told the legends of Maui. We then retold a legend and created artwork. Below is my work.

🌞How Maui Captured the Sun🌞

One day Maui woke up  thinking that he would capture the sun tomorrow so he got up and he went to his brothers houses and woke them up. They all agreed that the days were way to slow and they wanted longer days. So Maui and his brothers  were all scared but they had the courage to do it so they all agreed to collect flax and Maui got the magic spell right so the flax would be stronger with magic.

They plaited all of the flax  and made lots of ropes, when Maui came back from getting the spell right they  were all waiting, when he cast the spell on the ropes they tried ripping and cutting them but the ropes wouldn't break, then they knew that they were magical.

They traveled during the day so the sun would know they were coming, when the ground started to shrivel and dry they knew they were close, by the time they got there it was dark and the sun was in his hole, Maui said “my brothers build a wall with all of these stones around the pit” the brothers started to build the wall with the stones that were around the pit. When the sun started to rise Maui yelled to his brothers,”WHEN I SAY JUMP,JUMP AND HOOK THE SUN!” the brothers all nodded.

As the sun rose they all waited for Maui's command.”JUMP” said Maui, they all jumped and threw the ropes and they hooked up  the sun and they pulled with all of their might. Maui hit the sun on his nose harder and harder “are you trying to kill me” said the sun “NO, I AM MAKING YOU TIRED SO YOU WILL TAKE LONGER  FOR THE DAYS TO PASS” as soon as the sun was tired he told his brothers to let the ropes loose, as the sun floated slowly up in the air they knew they had slowed the sun.

Retold by Lily


My Mihi

Here is my mihi video.

Monday, 24 July 2017

Classroom Kupu

We have been learning how to say the names for classroom objects in Te Reo Māori. Here is the slideshow I did to show my learning.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

science term 2 2017

This term we have been doing science. We have been learning about the water cycle and states of matter. Here is my learning.

Persuasive Writing- Why we Should Keep Pets!

We have been learning about persuasive writing and we did writing if we should keep pets or get rid of them. This is my piece of writing about keeping pets!

A Short Statement about the topic.
eg. ‘Rugby League Is A Great Sport’

pets should stay!🐕😸🐦🐔

Overview/ Statement of position
A brief statement of your view about the topic.  What you believe or want to argue.
I strongly believe that having pets is a really great thing to do. Dogs are really good for the police because they can sniff out clothes and find the person who is involved in that crime. Cats are good for catching rats and mice around you house so they don't go in your walls or in your roof. Birds love you and love to sit on your head and your shoulders and tweet in your ears.

Series of Arguments
Your points supporting your view about the topic.  Your arguments to support your statement and information to support these arguments.

-supporting detail, reasons, examples

Firstly, dogs are really good for the police because they can sniff out clothes and find the person who is involved in that crime. Dogs are loyal and you can depend on them and they hug you when you cry.

Secondly,cats are a loyal part of a family they think they are boss but they love their owners inside. Cats are also good for catching rats and mice around you house so they don't go in your walls or in your roof.

Thirdly,birds  are a really good animal to have because if you train them they can deliver letters and other things to who ever u want. birds love you and love to sit on you head and your shoulders and tweet in your ears.

Finally, chickens are a great pet to have because you get free eggs and they love to be feed and hand feed my chickens come up to me with their food and eat it out of my hands. They love to play with each other and walk around together.

Concluding statement
Summing it up.  A summary of your arguments and your view on the topic.

In conclusion I believe that pets should stay! Because  dogs are really good for police reasons and to have a kind pet, cats are loyal and chase mice and rats away, birds are good if you train them to send letters and also are kind and loving, chickens lay free eggs and always love you. These are loads  of reasons for why pets should stay. Do you agree with me???

Persuasive Writing-Why we Should fix our feild

We have been having a go at writing a piece of persuasive writing. Here is my piece of writing about why we should  fix our field.

A Short Statement about the topic.
eg. ‘Rugby League Is A Great Sport’

Fix Our Field💮

Overview/ Statement of position
A brief statement of your view about the topic.  What you believe or want to argue.

I strongly believe we should need to fix our field RIGHT NOW!
Here are my reasons why we all want our field back. A Lot of our  sports equipment is not in use because we don't have the field, the field is a massive part of our school and it is going to waste, everyone at our school misses the field and we need the field back for events like cross country. The gala. these are the reasons why we need our field fixed.

Series of Arguments
Your points supporting your view about the topic.  Your arguments to support your statement and information to support these arguments.

-supporting detail, reasons, examples

Firstly,most of our sports equipment is not in use because we don't have the field to play soccer, rugby and lots more games with PE gear. We don't have enough room on the court to play lots of PE games at once, and we need the field to play more games.

Secondly, the whīra (field) is a massive part of our school and it will go to waste . If we fix our field we will have less injuries and more space for children to play. Explain why we will have less injuries.

Thirdly, I think everyone at our school misses the whīra(field)  and strongly feels they should have it back to do gymnastics and lots of other sports.Gymnastics and other sports are good because we can stay fit and strong and not be bored at play and lunch time.

Finally, if we get our whīra (field) back we can have events like cross country and other events like the gala. We need the field to have the gala and I know every body at this school loves the gala and we all want the gala to happen as soon as possible! the gala  raises money for the school to use on buses and shows.    

Concluding statement
Summing it up.  A summary of your arguments and your view on the topic.

In conclusion we need our field for events,sports gear,everyone wants our field back and we also lour our field. The feild is a massive part of our school and it will go to waist.


CAN YOU imagine this school without a field?