Tuesday, 8 August 2017

My Dream Action Plan

We have been working on thinking about dreams we have that we would like to achieve. We wrote up a 'dream plan.' Here is my plan for my dream.

Image result for dream images

This action plan is to help me achieve:

My Dream for myself: To be a professional dancer

My Dream for New Zealand: For all animals and people to have a house and to have food.

Why is this dream important to me? This is Important to me because dancing is a key thing in my life.

Who within my family, friends or community can I ask for support or advice to achieve my dream?
I can ask my dance teacher.
Other dances.
Mum and Dad

In order to achieve my dream I will need the following skills and knowledge

1.Go to lots of dance classes.
2.Go stretching classes.
3.Practice lots and lots.
4.Have a good memory.
5.Not have stiff movements.

When do I want to achieve my dream by?
When im 25

What are some things that might go wrong and how will I fix them?
I might forget my dance and my face will stop smiling.

The first five steps I need to take to turn my dream into reality are:

1.Be confident.
2.Keep smiling.
3.Learn lots of tricks.
4.You need to fail to learn.

5.Try and try again.