Create and Describe Your Own Planet - 
Description writing task
Description writing task
Term 2 Weeks 5-6
Purpose of this piece of writing is to:
Learning Intentions
I am learning to use language features to make my writing
interesting and engaging for the reader.
interesting and engaging for the reader.
I am learning to use topic-specific vocabulary.
I am learning to include Te Reo Māori words in my writing.
I will be successful when I can show….
-I have used some language features to make my writing
interesting and engaging (simile, metaphor, alliteration, \
onomatopoeia, rhyme)
interesting and engaging (simile, metaphor, alliteration, \
onomatopoeia, rhyme)
-I have carefully chosen some topic specific words to include
in my writing.
in my writing.
-I have used some Te Reo Māori
We are continuing to look at descriptive writing. This week you are writing a descriptive piece of writing
to promote your imaginary planet. You aim is to convince people to move to your planet. You want your
writing to allow the reader to be able to imagine what it is like on your planet.
to promote your imaginary planet. You aim is to convince people to move to your planet. You want your
writing to allow the reader to be able to imagine what it is like on your planet.
First, we will look at an excerpt of a video describing the moon from the
Avatar movie. Click here to get to video= Pandora.
Avatar movie. Click here to get to video= Pandora.
Second, we will discuss together what you will need in your work to make it successful and look at
how to plan our work. Then you will plan your work and check with a teacher before you start writing.
how to plan our work. Then you will plan your work and check with a teacher before you start writing.
Third, do your piece of writing.
Fourth, complete you piece of writing. Remember to proofread (check spelling and punctuation)
and edit (does it make sense? do you need to change any sentences?) yourself and with a
buddy and fill in your self and peer-assessment. Check it with a teacher.
and edit (does it make sense? do you need to change any sentences?) yourself and with a
buddy and fill in your self and peer-assessment. Check it with a teacher.
My Writing
Forever Never Land is one of Saturn's 64 moons. It's an amazing moon but it comes with dangers. Saturn is a gas planet so whenever there is a storm every person and creature has to wear gas masks. Forever Never land is also amazing because when you enter you stay that age forever and when you leave it goes back to normal.
Scientists have only just discovered Forever Never Land because they only thought Saturn had 63 moons BUT they did not know Forever Never Land was orbiting as well.
Forever Never Land Has an invisible force field and takes a lot of fuel to get through. When your rocket ship gets through and lands, you feel amazing and happy. To get out of Forever Never Land you have to find the Black hole that is in a mysterious river and go though it carefully.
The people on Forever Never Land have tawa (purple) skin and long braided hair, Forever Never Land Also has dinosaurs but they are harikoa (happy) because the moon releases gases from the moon's core. Nobody knows what this gas is but they call it joy gas.
Forever Never Land is a Dark orange colour. People are bringing lots of supplies to help build and make a amazing village for this land.
The water is the same but is purple and has lots more vitamins for your body. People that live on Forever Never Land swim in the lakes and rivers so they get lots more vitamins.
People want to go to this land because you can noho (stay) your age forever, ride a massive dinosaur and feel AMAZING.
By Lily
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