Tuesday, 10 September 2019

My Animation

Today we had to make an animation, but we had to learn how to to embed and make it loop without stopping. First embed the link and change all the "falses" to trues, then change the 3000 to 200 or what ever speed you want.


  1. hi my name sam and i go to gisborne intermediate.I like how you animation.It made me think for swing in the summer and good idea for my animation if you would like to see my blog it is https://gisintsamw.blogspot.com/

  2. Hi Lily,
    My name is Amelia and I am a year 7 student in Lh6 at Gisborne Intermediate. I love your animation that you have created it is really cool. I like how you have tried really hard to make it realistic and it really showed. I think that next time you could stop it from repeating continuously but otherwise I can't see anything bad. If you would like to visit my blog it is https://gisintameliag.blogspot.com/. Good job.

    1. Thank you Ameila, I really aprecate it! Also I would stop it from going In a loop but that was apart of the learning. :)
      Thanks again

  3. Hello Lily,
    I am from LH6 at Gisborne intermediate. I love your animation. Do you like swimming? Is that why you did your animation or did you do it for fun. Maybe next time you should try not to make the flash so distracting. But other than that your animation is amazing.
    If you would like to visit my blog is https://ormondjorjac.blogspot.com/

    1. Thank you Jorja, I really like swimming, its good fun! I also like racing my friends down the hydroslide! Also thank you for the feedback!


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