Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Miltown To Kumara

 Miltown To Kumara

On Tuesday room 8 biked Milltown to Kumara (Kapitea reservoir)  The track we biked on was on the Wilderness trail for a William Pike challenge. I got up at 7am and got ready for the day. Dad and I walked up to Karoro School and he dropped my mountain bike and bike helmet off. 

Once everybody was there we got into our car groups. I was in Scot’s (Billie's dad) mini van. There were 9 more other people in the van. The drive to Miltown was about an hour.  We drove through Hokitika and Lake Kanere to get to Milltown. On the way up I shared my lollies with the other people in the car.

When we arrived at Milltown we all got our mountain bikes off the back of the bike trailer. As soon as we were about to start the weather conditions changed and it started raining. We all put on our rain jackets and started biking. At the very start we all practiced changing gears and pedaling round on the straight. Once the straight had finished the climb began. We had to zig zag uphill for about 30-45 minutes. It felt like it would never end and it was a challenge for me.

We got to the top of the hill and we had reached Cowboy’s Paradise. Cowboy’s Paradise looks like an old style road but it's only one thick strip of road. When I got to the top Korban rushed over and told me not to do a skid. I asked why and he told me that the man that lived in Cowboy’s Paradise saw one of our classmates do and skid and yelled bad things to him.

We left Cowboy’s Paradise and most of the next part was uphill and only a little bit of a downhill. We stopped a few times to re-group but when we got to our main stop (Kawhaka intake) we all had lunch and decided if we wanted to keep going or to stop. I chose to keep going. That was a bad idea. Not long after we left the Kawhaka intake my legs were in so much pain and my back hurt really bad. I tried pulling out but I wasn't allowed to. 

The last part was the worst and it was boring as well. Once we had been biking on the last part for an hour straight I finally saw the finish. Once I had reached the finish I put my bike up and just sat in the car. I was too tired to function and most people were the same. It had taken a lot of effort  and on the car ride home we were all tired.

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