Tuesday, 10 December 2019
Tuesday, 19 November 2019
Kiwi Art
we have been learning to make a collage on Google Drawing. We had to use the explore, mask and arrange tools to get our collage to come together. We had to make a NZ bird and put it into its habitat. It was a lot of fun and I am really pleased with my bird. Have you ever had a go at this?
Friday, 15 November 2019
Film Reveiw
St Pats - Greymouth Song.
Recently we went down to the Regent Theatre, to watch some films
the Toki Pounamu students had filmed. We
watched them all,
found the best one, and wrote a review on it.
the Toki Pounamu students had filmed. We
watched them all,
found the best one, and wrote a review on it.
I chose The Greymouth Song, by two St Patrick’s
students. What
did I like about this song? The students added
the best places in
Greymouth and also changed the lyrics from a
good song to make
it about Greymouth.
students. What
did I like about this song? The students added
the best places in
Greymouth and also changed the lyrics from a
good song to make
it about Greymouth.
I liked all the videos and how well it was edited
together. I liked
how they imported the clips but also had the
singing voice over
on top of them. The sound quality was very
good and you could
hear them easily.
together. I liked
how they imported the clips but also had the
singing voice over
on top of them. The sound quality was very
good and you could
hear them easily.
One thing I didn't like was the students added
some pictures
that didn't make sense. For example, there was
a random lady
standing with a sign, I'm guessing Greymouth
was on the sign,
but at first glance it's quite hard to see.
some pictures
that didn't make sense. For example, there was
a random lady
standing with a sign, I'm guessing Greymouth
was on the sign,
but at first glance it's quite hard to see.
Next year I think they should take more photos and videos.
that will match the song. Also I think the
students could add more
actors so then more videos could be made
instead of the old photos
that were put in.
that will match the song. Also I think the
students could add more
actors so then more videos could be made
instead of the old photos
that were put in.
Next year the Film Festival
should have a voting system for
when everybody leaves the theater.
For example, there should
be a box with papers next to it, you
can write down your favorite
film, and When all the votes get drawn out,
the school / video owners
with the most votes should get a prize. I think
this because I see it as
pointless for their schools not to get anything back.
To make it more
fair the students can not vote for their own schools.
should have a voting system for
when everybody leaves the theater.
For example, there should
be a box with papers next to it, you
can write down your favorite
film, and When all the votes get drawn out,
the school / video owners
with the most votes should get a prize. I think
this because I see it as
pointless for their schools not to get anything back.
To make it more
fair the students can not vote for their own schools.
Friday, 25 October 2019
Thursday, 24 October 2019
My Kowhaiwhai Pattern
My Kowhaiwhai Pattern
Last term in He Kakano we started painting
kowhaiwhai and their meanings. Kowhaiwhai are
a Traditional Maori pattern. We all had to create a
piece of artwork that showed at least one
kowhaiwhai pattern. This is what I made.
kowhaiwhai and their meanings. Kowhaiwhai are
a Traditional Maori pattern. We all had to create a
piece of artwork that showed at least one
kowhaiwhai pattern. This is what I made.
The purple diamond shapes are myself,
with my wild personality. The green diamonds inside the purple ones is my
heart inside of all of my wacky personality.
The blue swirls are my family supporting me
for whatever I do. The pink and yellow triangles
are my challenges, they are always there but I
have to work my way through them.
I made this design to show my family
and I and how me might have some challenges but we will always get through them together.
with my wild personality. The green diamonds inside the purple ones is my
heart inside of all of my wacky personality.
The blue swirls are my family supporting me
for whatever I do. The pink and yellow triangles
are my challenges, they are always there but I
have to work my way through them.
I made this design to show my family
and I and how me might have some challenges but we will always get through them together.
Tuesday, 10 September 2019
My Animation
Today we had to make an animation, but we had to learn how to to embed and make it loop without stopping. First embed the link and change all the "falses" to trues, then change the 3000 to 200 or what ever speed you want.
Wednesday, 14 August 2019
Ski Word Art
Today we had to make a Word Art on our sking that we did yesterday.
We had to atleast have 30 words, then but it into the website called Wordart.
We had to atleast have 30 words, then but it into the website called Wordart.
Friday, 5 July 2019
Indroducing Myself In NZ Sign Language
Today I learnt how to spell my name and learn how to say my favourite things in sign language,which is New Zealands third language
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
Bee Report
Success Criteria:
We will plan and then write an information report on a topic of our choice related to bees.
Our report will:
- Be interesting!
- Give information about a topic of our choice related to bees.
- Show a clear link to our planning.
- Start with an opening statement about our topic.
- Have at least 3 paragraphs. Each paragraph will have an opening
- statement and a series of facts related to that statement.
- Include some complex or compound sentence structures.
- Include at least one diagram, photograph, illustration or map to go with the text.
- Finish with a general statement about the topic.
- Use information from at least 3 different sources. This information will
- be written in our own words and we will write down our sources at the end of our report.
Did you know that bees pollinate 70% of our crops. Also
If we did not have bees then there would be no tomatoes,
which means NO PIZZA, and no pizza means depression.
Bees pollinate 200 billion dollars worth of crops each year.
They also give us nice flowers, that we no longer would
be able to smell and enjoy, this also would be a bit more dull and boring.
If we did not have bees then there would be no tomatoes,
which means NO PIZZA, and no pizza means depression.
Bees pollinate 200 billion dollars worth of crops each year.
They also give us nice flowers, that we no longer would
be able to smell and enjoy, this also would be a bit more dull and boring.
Some trees need bees to live, so if bees died out, then trees
would as well. If we did not have any trees there would be no
more oxygen. Without oxygen there will be no animals.
But more scary, no us. We will all die without trees and bees
could be a reason why we all die. Also if there were less and
less trees we would have no food, because bees pollinate 70 %
of our crops so if we had no animals we would most likely have
no have no food because crops and meat is about most of our food source.
would as well. If we did not have any trees there would be no
more oxygen. Without oxygen there will be no animals.
But more scary, no us. We will all die without trees and bees
could be a reason why we all die. Also if there were less and
less trees we would have no food, because bees pollinate 70 %
of our crops so if we had no animals we would most likely have
no have no food because crops and meat is about most of our food source.
Here are some ways that we could help the bees.
1: Plant bee friendly plants to pollinate
2:Create more spots for them to make a hive
3:Plant more flowers
4:Have an hour of the whole class getting to plant flowers and plants.
5: Stop using pesticides
6: Let your lawns grow wild with flowers
Those were some easy ways to help the bees.
Hopefully our class gets to go outside and plant some bee
friendly pants and flowers, because I really like bees and I
would hate the world without them.
friendly pants and flowers, because I really like bees and I
would hate the world without them.
Friday, 28 June 2019
Marae Visit
Marae Visit
This week room 1 and 8 went up to the marae for the william pike
challenge. We had lots of fun and this is what I did on our trip.
I hope you enjoy.
challenge. We had lots of fun and this is what I did on our trip.
I hope you enjoy.
Firstly, When we entered the marae we had to go through
the powhiri process when we arrived at the gate we started
singing our waiata ‘He Honore’ Then someone came and
opened the gate for us. When we finished singing Miss Ireland
and another lady did the kiranga as we walked slowly towards the
door. At the door we took off our shoes and went inside. It was amazing!
There were LED color panels and lots of poe on the ceiling and walls.
the powhiri process when we arrived at the gate we started
singing our waiata ‘He Honore’ Then someone came and
opened the gate for us. When we finished singing Miss Ireland
and another lady did the kiranga as we walked slowly towards the
door. At the door we took off our shoes and went inside. It was amazing!
There were LED color panels and lots of poe on the ceiling and walls.
About 2 hours later after morning tea and talking more
about the poe and writing in our booklets, we walked down
to the river where we looked for pounamu.I didn't find any but 4
people did. I also did paper scissors rock and won some pounamu.
Then we walked to the beach where we made sand sculptures of a
story we had listened to, and then we went back to the maraee for some
tea and smores. Then Miss Kemp told us it was lights out, and then we
rushed to bed and tried to sleep.
about the poe and writing in our booklets, we walked down
to the river where we looked for pounamu.I didn't find any but 4
people did. I also did paper scissors rock and won some pounamu.
Then we walked to the beach where we made sand sculptures of a
story we had listened to, and then we went back to the maraee for some
tea and smores. Then Miss Kemp told us it was lights out, and then we
rushed to bed and tried to sleep.
Callaghan's Ridge
On thursday the 11th of april Room 8, Room 1 , Mrs Kemp and parents drove up to Callaghans Ridge for the 4 hour walk. We had arranged our own groups of three but there were too many people to Nevey and I joined Mackenzie, briged and Summers group.
When we started the walk it didn't feel like a 4 hour walk.
But then we had to stop every 20 minutes to re group.
When we had been walking for an hour and a half we
stopped to make our shelter and we could eat our lunch
under. We had to eat in our groups which was sad because
I wanted to sit with Milan. Then we packed up our shelter and
started walking again.
But then we had to stop every 20 minutes to re group.
When we had been walking for an hour and a half we
stopped to make our shelter and we could eat our lunch
under. We had to eat in our groups which was sad because
I wanted to sit with Milan. Then we packed up our shelter and
started walking again.
I started walking with Milan and daneil and we
kept jumping in muddy puddles until we got to
the sign that said “Car park in 1km.” So we started
running until we got very tired and had to walk. The
closer we got the more excited I was. When we saw
the car park, I started running and drank some water.
Then we had to all sit down and get in the cars and drive back to school.
kept jumping in muddy puddles until we got to
the sign that said “Car park in 1km.” So we started
running until we got very tired and had to walk. The
closer we got the more excited I was. When we saw
the car park, I started running and drank some water.
Then we had to all sit down and get in the cars and drive back to school.
Monday, 17 June 2019
Lake Daniell
Lake Daniell
On Wednesday I woke up after a 7 hour sleep and not wanting to get up. As my Mum yelled at me countless times, I decided to get up. As I rushed around the house doing nothing, I finally grabbed my bag and yelled at my Mum for being late.
When we arrived at school we went over the basics and packed our bags into Erin's car as mum and I jumped in. It took one and a half hours to get there but when we arrived we jumped out for fresh air.
When we started walking I instantly felt the 7 hour sleep kick in. We walked for 15 minutes till we stopped for a short break. When we started walking again, me and Nevey we at the front, until we stopped from our next 30 minute walk.
We arrived at Lake Daniell ( it took 2 hours and 20 minutes to get there) and we had some food and skimmed rocks on the lake until we had to start walking back. It only took us one hour and 40 minutes to get back because we only had one stop on the way back. When we got in the car it felt really good to sit on something soft!
We completed the Lake Daniell walk because we were learning about, the umbles, hypothermia and for the William Pike Challenges.
Friday, 14 June 2019
The Umbles
The Umbles
WALT: Manage risks on a winter tramp in the southern alps

The Mumbles -when you are stumbling on your words and can't pronounce things. Or The Mumbles is when someone has trouble with speaking.
The Stumbles- Is when you keep tripping over nothing and or feel dizzy. The Stumbles are also loss of control of your body and don’t know what they are doing.
The Grumbles-is where you get annoyed at simple questions and get a temper for no reason.
The Fumbles -is where the victim is finding it hard to do simple things like zip up their jacket or bag.source: http://a-vida-que-se-segue.blogspot.com/2014/09/como-nao-amar-o-olaf.html
Friday, 24 May 2019
Bully Free Week
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
Lightning Writing
Today our task was to write a quick write about this photo (added below) We had to describe what we saw, what we herd and how we would feel. This in my work .

Sitting in this windmill is creepy… I'm cold,tired and.. THUD! The sound of thunder hit me like the chilling feeling in horror movies. As I herd thunder I was just waiting for the lightning.. BOOM! When I heard the lightning my eyes poped out of my head in fright! It was to spooky inside the windmill so I left to see the electric zaps of light. As I took two steps out of the windmill I heard a buzzing noise...As I turned around I saw the windmill start to collapse behind me! I ran. The fastest anybody will see me run. My adrenaline was rushing through me like when I have candy for breakfast, I ran to the closest tree and hid behind it. The night sky was as black as a cursed cat, The sky kept lighting up like the flash on a camera. I decided to look back at the windmill, But what I saw was horrifying.
Sitting in this windmill is creepy… I'm cold,tired and.. THUD! The sound of thunder hit me like the chilling feeling in horror movies. As I herd thunder I was just waiting for the lightning.. BOOM! When I heard the lightning my eyes poped out of my head in fright! It was to spooky inside the windmill so I left to see the electric zaps of light. As I took two steps out of the windmill I heard a buzzing noise...As I turned around I saw the windmill start to collapse behind me! I ran. The fastest anybody will see me run. My adrenaline was rushing through me like when I have candy for breakfast, I ran to the closest tree and hid behind it. The night sky was as black as a cursed cat, The sky kept lighting up like the flash on a camera. I decided to look back at the windmill, But what I saw was horrifying.
Tuesday, 9 April 2019
Beach Cookout
Today, April 5th Ruma Tahi and Waru went
down to Karoro Beach for the Willam Pike cookout challenge.
down to Karoro Beach for the Willam Pike cookout challenge.
Today when we went down to the beach and
we got in our groups, our group parent was Clark Ellery.
He helped us get ideas on what would be better to do and
what to get for the fire. We had watched a video on how
to start a fire and keep it going.
we got in our groups, our group parent was Clark Ellery.
He helped us get ideas on what would be better to do and
what to get for the fire. We had watched a video on how
to start a fire and keep it going.
Last week we had planned what we were going to cook,
everybody had things to buy and bring. I had to bring tongs,plates and oil.
Sasha brought the food and Eamon had to bring cheese and tomato sauce.
We each gave her $5.00 towards the cost.
everybody had things to buy and bring. I had to bring tongs,plates and oil.
Sasha brought the food and Eamon had to bring cheese and tomato sauce.
We each gave her $5.00 towards the cost.
We had planned to cook burgers and smores. Sasha had also brought a
hot plate, so it was a lot easier to cook things.
First we started by putting the oil on 1 pattie and rubbing it on another
to spread the oil. After we spread it, we put them on the hot plate and
waited for them to cook. When they had cooked we moved them to the
cooler side of the hot plate. Next we put all of the veggies into the burgers.
hot plate, so it was a lot easier to cook things.
First we started by putting the oil on 1 pattie and rubbing it on another
to spread the oil. After we spread it, we put them on the hot plate and
waited for them to cook. When they had cooked we moved them to the
cooler side of the hot plate. Next we put all of the veggies into the burgers.
My favorite part was when we got to eat the food, because
I wanted to know what the burgers would taste like.
I was really surprised because they tasted really good!
The smores were ok because I kept burning them.
I wanted to know what the burgers would taste like.
I was really surprised because they tasted really good!
The smores were ok because I kept burning them.
This was such a fun experience and I would like to
do it again because it was nice to be outdoors and be around more people.
do it again because it was nice to be outdoors and be around more people.
Wednesday, 3 April 2019
Stop Kissing My Sister!
Stop Kissing my Sister SJ 4.2.06
- Make a list of all the characters in this story and all the facts
- you can find out about them
Josh= he is jealous of Amy having all the attention.Gets
embarrassed easy.Mum=she is loving, soft(doesn't yell)
, Dad= proud of his son.Amy=gentill, funny
embarrassed easy.Mum=she is loving, soft(doesn't yell)
, Dad= proud of his son.Amy=gentill, funny
- Why did Josh think that everybody likes his sister better than
- him?
Because Amy always gets more attention than him and she gets
special attention
special attention
- Choose 5 words from the story that are new, difficult or interesting to you.
- Write your own sentence for each one showing that you understand
- what the words means. Write down why you think the author has used
- each of these words.
He was Pashing my sister, She was wearing skimpy clothes She
was puckered ready to kiss. I think the author used skimpy to let
us know something about this skimpy girl, The used
was puckered ready to kiss. I think the author used skimpy to let
us know something about this skimpy girl, The used
- You are Baggy Pants. Tell your part in this story from your point
- of view. Make sure that you come off as being a hero and Amy
- and her family are shown to be very strange.
Hi my name is Tom and Im dating Amy, I went round to her house once and kissed her, but her annoying brother yelled, “ STOP KISSING MY SISTER!!!!”
He yelled it so loud I bet china heard it. I don't like going to her house anymore because her family is very strange.
- Complete the Story Web
- “Josh did the right thing stopping Baggy Pants from kissing his sister”
Complete the chart and list your reasons for agreeing and disagreeing
with this statement
with this statement
I agree with this statement because
I disagree with this statement because
it's none of his business.
| |
She trying to find romance
| |
It's rude,
| |
it might hurt her feelings
| |
7. Give the story a rating out of 5 for each of the following criteria
(1 = weak, 5 = excellent)
(1 = weak, 5 = excellent)
- CHARACTERS - has the author created interesting characters? How?
- STORY STRUCTURE - Does the story have an interesting
- problem and a satisfying ending?
- LANGUAGE FEATURES - Has the author used words in an interesting
- way to tell the story? Give examples
- THEME - does the story have something important to say about
- how people think and behave? What is it?
Write a short review of this story based on the ratings
you have given it. This book is a 2 ¾ stars out of 5. I
think this because it doesn't make much sense and I
dont think it's realistic. The characters are interesting.
The language features could of been stronger and the
author should have used more complicated words to
make the story interesting. The theme was weak and
could have used more explaining. .
Hi my name is Amy and I have a boyfriend called Tom. I have a brother called Josh. I think he is jealous of Tom and I, because once Tom and I were kissing in our backyard, and then out of nowhere, Josh appeared and yelled, “STOP KISSING MY SISTER!” It freaked Tom out and he never came back to our house. But don’t worry, because I got my brother back when we were at the pool… I saw him about to kiss this girl and I wasn't letting that happened after what happened in our backyard, So I yelled, “ STOP KISSING MY BROTHER!!” Then he started yelling at me and chasing me around the pool.
Thursday, 21 March 2019
Understanding Fractions
Page 37 Understanding Fractions
(C) cut the cake
There are 36 chocolate evenly spread around the edge of the cake how many chocolates are there in three quarters of the cake?
Given answer:27
I cut the cake in quarters And then counted 3 of the quarters Then the answer that I got was 27.
B) How many chocolates are there on 5 sixths of the cake.
Given Answer:30
How Did you work it out?: I cut the cake into Sixths instead of quarters Then I counted 5 of the 6th that we're on the cake.
C) One Fifth of the cake has 6 chocolates how many chocolates on the whole cake.
Given answer: 30
How I worked it out: There are six Chocolates on each fifth There are 5 fiths in a whole cake So if you times 5 x 6 = 30 so 30 is your answer
D) 3/8 of the cake have 9 chocolates how many chocolates are on the whole cake ?
(C) cut the cake
There are 36 chocolate evenly spread around the edge of the cake how many chocolates are there in three quarters of the cake?
Given answer:27
I cut the cake in quarters And then counted 3 of the quarters Then the answer that I got was 27.
B) How many chocolates are there on 5 sixths of the cake.
Given Answer:30
How Did you work it out?: I cut the cake into Sixths instead of quarters Then I counted 5 of the 6th that we're on the cake.
C) One Fifth of the cake has 6 chocolates how many chocolates on the whole cake.
Given answer: 30
How I worked it out: There are six Chocolates on each fifth There are 5 fiths in a whole cake So if you times 5 x 6 = 30 so 30 is your answer
D) 3/8 of the cake have 9 chocolates how many chocolates are on the whole cake ?
Tuesday, 12 March 2019
Te Hokowhitu-a-Tū: The Pioneer Māori Battalion
Last week we were learning about Te Hokowhitu-a-Tū: The Pioneer Māori Battalion and it was about how it was not fair on the Maori, and this was one of the questions.
- What have you learnt about the way Māori were treated, in New
- Zealand and in Europe, during the First World War?
The Maori were treated horribly because in Waikato people got picked
out and had to go to war no matter what.
out and had to go to war no matter what.
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